Published onDecember 9, 2020How do I check whether or not an array of numbers are in consecutive order using JavaScript?JavaScriptQuick explanation of how to determine if an array of numbers are in consecutive order
Published onSeptember 5, 2021Tailwindcss Utilities Chrome ExtensionJavaScriptChrome ExtensionWIPThis chrome extension is a set of utilities for frontend developers using the Tailwindcss framework.
Published onMay 15, 2020Wolfram Elementary Cellular AutomatonJavaScriptThe user is able to select how many generations the simulation will run for and which ruleset to follow from a pre-established set of rulesets.
Published onOctober 3, 2019Bootstrap Grid Overlay Chrome ExtensionJavaScriptChrome ExtensionQuickly toggle a Bootstrap Grid Overlay that automatically uses your application's styles to determine how it looks. Used by over 19,000 developers!